Vanuatu's Participation in a high-level Meeting with the World Bank president Mr. Ajay Banga in Suva, Fiji.

Vanuatu's Participation in a high-level Meeting with the World Bank president Mr. Ajay Banga in Suva, Fiji.

The Honorable Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and External Trade Mr. Matai Seremaiah Nawalu's participation in the high-level meeting with World Bank President Mr. Ajay Banga in Suva last week, highlights key issues for Vanuatu and the Pacific region. The discussions centered on the closure of correspondent banking relationships, which affect financial services, and debt distress, impacting economic stability. The meeting also emphasized the importance of accessing climate funds to enhance resilience. Pacific leaders endorsed the World Bank's Pacific Strengthening Correspondent Banking Project, aiming to tackle the challenges of de-risking and de-banking, which could significantly benefit the region's financial connectivity and economic stability.

Image: ForumSec, Suva, 6 Sept 2024 

MSG Position on the Electoral Roll for New Caledonia










May 15, 2024



Chairman of MSG reaffirms MSG position against the Constitutional Bill to unfreeze the Electoral Roll for New Caledonia


The Chairman of MSG and Prime Minister of Vanuatu, Hon. Charlot Salwai Tabimasmas, today issued a Press Release reaffirming MSG’s support of FLNKS position opposing the French Government’s Constitutional Bill aimed at unfreezing the New Caledonia Electoral Roll, the modifications to the citizen’s electorate, and the changes to the distribution of seats in Congress.


In expressing sadness to the unfortunate happenings that have befallen New Caledonia over the last few days, the MSG Chair expressed support for FLNKS call for calm, and shared FLNKS’s condemnation of the violence. FLNKS today issued the call for calm and condemned the violence.


The Chair of MSG pointed out that the indiscriminate destruction of property will affect New Caledonia’s economy in a very big way and that will have a debilitating cascading effect on the welfare and lives of all New Caledonians, including the Kanaks.


Consistent with the support recorded during the MSG Senior Officials Meeting and the MSG Foreign Ministers Meeting in March this year, the Chair of MSG reiterated that the French Government must withdraw or annul the Constitutional Bill that has precipitated these regrettable events in New Caledonia.


“These events could have been avoided if the French Government had listened and not proceeded to bulldoze the Constitutional Bill aimed at unfreezing the electoral roll, modifying the citizen’s electorate, and changing the distribution of seats in Congress. There is need for the French Government to return to the spirit of the Noumea Accord in its dealings relating to New Caledonia. That spirit ensured mutual respect and cooperation between all parties and ensured peace in New Caledonia”, Hon. Tabimasmas noted.


The Chair of MSG added, there is an urgent need now for France to agree to the proposal by the FLNKS to establish a dialogue and mediation mission to be led by a mutually agreed high personality to, amongst other things, discuss a way forward so that normalcy can be restored quickly, and an enduring peace can prevail in New Caledonia.





Vanuatu and the European Union deepening a strong partnership.

Vanuatu and the European Union deepening a strong partnership.

18 April 2024



On 18 April 2024 in Port Vila, Vanuatu, the Republic of Vanuatu (Vanuatu) and the European Union (EU) held the first Partnership dialogue under Article 3 of the new Partnership Agreement Samoa between the Africa, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP) and the EU - the “Samoa Agreement”.


The EU and Vanuatu took stock of bilateral cooperation since the last Political Dialogue meeting, held virtually in May 2022, and updated each other on key developments. Participants underlined their firm commitment to the further deepening and strengthening of their partnership in upholding the rules-based international order with the UN at its core and ensuring that multilateralism is effective and inclusive, including in addressing the challenges related to climate change, biodiversity loss, plastic pollution, economic uncertainties and respective regional security.


The EU referred to ongoing work to realise its priorities with a focus on economic security, addressing the consequences of the war in Ukraine while fostering an ambitious green and resilient transition within its borders and globally. In this context, both sides recognized the importance of urgently implementing the COP28 Dubai Consensus and work together towards COP29, and the definition of a new post-2025 climate finance goal. 

Both parties also agreed that is crucial to implement the provisions of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.


After the signature of the Samoa Agreement on 15 November 2023 in Apia, the EU and Vanuatu looked forward to the implementation of the agreement and its Pacific-EU Regional Protocol. The EU and Vanuatu also focused discussions on development cooperation for 2021- 2027 under the Neighbourhood Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI). Both partners expressed appreciation for their longstanding cooperation in the agricultural sector, notably under the successful Vanuatu Value Chain (VaVaC) budget support programme. In addition, the EU presented Global Gateway, its innovative infrastructure investment strategy rooted in partnership, sustainability and the rule of law. During the dialogue, the EU invited Vanuatu for a discussion regarding quality infrastructure investments and possible cooperation with the EU in funding them under the Global Gateway strategy to further solidify the EU-Vanuatu partnership.


The Partnership Dialogue fully reflected the importance that the EU and Vanuatu attach to their shared values, including the rule of law, democracy, and human rights. Vanuatu presented latest progress it made in the fields of good governance, the fight against corruption, promotion of gender equality, tackling gender-based violence and human trafficking. Vanuatu also informed about the ongoing ratification of international Human Rights instruments, and the prospect of establishing a fully-fledged National Human Rights institution. The EU expressed its support for the participation of The Pacific SIDS in the work of the Human Rights Council.


With regards to trade, the EU and Vanuatu discussed the potential that the interim Economic Partnership Agreement (iEPA) between the EU and the Pacific States offers for Vanuatu to increase its trade with the EU. Vanuatu reaffirmed its commitment to submit a request with final offer for the accession to the EPA. The EU reaffirmed its support to Vanuatu’s accession to the EPA for which Vanuatu has notified its interest to the Parties.


Discussions also focused on the need for closer collaboration to ensure  progress on common priorities, in particular on taxation and financial governance, including the fight against money laundering and terrorism financing, and the visa issues related to Vanuatu’s investor citizenship schemes. On ocean governance, the EU and Vanuatu looked forward to ratification and implementation of the Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ) agreement. Both aim to strengthen regional fisheries governance, to combat Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing.


The meeting was co-chaired by Ms.Cherol Ala Ianna,Director General of the Prime Minister Office and Mr. Niclas Kvarnstrom, Managing Director Asia and Pacific, European External Action Service.



The Samoa Agreement constitutes the framework for collaboration between the European Union and the African, Caribbean and Pacific States (ACP) in a broad range of areas, including the economy and the environment, the fight against poverty and peace and security as well as democracy and political stability. Article 3 of the Samoa Agreement provides for a regular and comprehensive partnership dialogue to exchange information, foster mutual understanding and facilitate the establishment of agreed priorities and shared agendas. 


For enquiries:


Ministry of Foreign Affairs – EAMEA Division (Vanuatu): Mr.Evaristo CHALET

E-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tel: (+678) 33180


Press Team - EU Delegation for the Pacific (Fiji):

E-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tel: (+679) 331-3633, ext. 110

The final day of the Heads of Missions Meeting

The final day of the Heads of Missions Meeting was honored with the esteemed presence of the Prime Minister of Vanuatu, Charlot Salwai Tabimasmas.
The Director-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs presented the outcomes of the meeting in front of the Prime Minister, Diplomats and officials gathered. Outlining the key discussions, decisions, and strategies devised during the sessions.
The meeting also witnessed the unveiling of the Ministry's Official Website. While still in its developmental stages, the website,, is poised to become a platform for disseminating information about the workings of the Ministry to the public.
The Meeting is scheduled to conclude this afternoon.